For Immediate Release
May 20, 2014
Contact Information

Julia Yarbough
T: (954) 383-1434

(BPRW) Climate Change Debate Inspires American Writer Jarid Manos To Launch Two-Year Blogstory

- Fear & Loving: Where the Ocean Meets the Streets -

(BLACK PR WIRE) – Miami, FL -- What does it mean to be alive right here, right now as warnings increase global warming, sea-level rise and collapse of the oceans threaten our way of life and future? American writer and Miami Beach resident Jarid Manos [Ghetto Plainsman, 2010] delves into life beneath the news with an intensely beautiful and danger-filled online adventure Fear & Loving: Where the Ocean Meets the Streets.

In a twist to a classic literary approach, Fear & Loving is a two-year blogstory offered free online at Each week Manos will share his experiences with the world. Fear & Loving explores life at sea level in Florida and Texas, states cited as “vulnerable” to rising seas in the new scientific report, the National Climate Assessment. Fans will follow Manos as he learns to become a skilled scuba diver. The journey is a parallel exploration of why we are afraid to go deep in our own lives.

“I would never admit it, but as tough as I like to think I am, I have this almost mythical fear of the deep, unknown ocean,” explains Manos. “Meanwhile, I wear the streets like I wear my senses and skin. What’s the connection?”

A free subscription to Fear & Loving: Where the Ocean Meets the Streets is available online now at

“There are all these hidden moments going on at ‘street level’ that tell a larger story before climate change hits in a big way. What are the other forces we are caught up in?” says Manos.

Powered by two literary grants, the Fear & Loving journey is garnering Manos national recognition. “With a distilled and starkly lyrical style, Jarid Manos unpacks a world that often goes unremarked upon: the interactions taking place in urban back alleys, and exploring the ocean blue,” says William Johnson, Managing Editor at Lambda Literary Foundation.

The C.E.O. of the nationally acclaimed Texas-based Great Plains Restoration Council, and regular contributor at Huffington Post Black Voices, Manos is currently finishing his second book, Her Blue Watered Streets: An American Novel.

For appearance bookings and press inquiries, contact Julia Yarbough at or (954) 383-1434.