Alliance for Digital Equality
BMaynard Scarborough
Executive Director
FCC Notice of Inquiry Comments Discuss Educating Citizens on the Benefits of Broadband Internet Access
(BLACK PR WIRE) WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Alliance for Digital Equality (ADE) submitted comments in response to the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) Notice of Inquiry (NOI) for the implementation of a national broadband Internet plan. Submitted comments below focus on ADEs mission of advocacy for affordable high-speed Internet and broadband adoption in underserved communities across the country:
ADE believes that the national broadband plan must include digital literacy programs that will stimulate adoption by familiarizing participants with technology and raising awareness of the benefits of broadband service. The federal government should support organizations and agencies that seek to facilitate greater use of broadband service by low-income, unemployed, aged, and other vulnerable populations.
It is imperative to avoid policy actions that might push Americans offline. This national strategy should make sure that the last ones on, are not the first ones off of the broadband train. To address affordability issues, targeted programs that provide broadband access through community broadband centers in public locations such as libraries, schools, other government buildings or non-profit organizations merit consideration.
We believe that every American in the 21st century should have access to affordable and reliable broadband, which will enhance the quality of life through the delivery of vital Internet services in communities and particularly underserved and un-served neighborhoods across the United States.
To read ADEs entire filing visit
About The Alliance for Digital Equality
Founded in 2007, The Alliance for Digital Equality is a non-profit consumer advocacy organization that serves to facilitate and ensure equal access to technology in underserved communities. The Alliance also serves as a bridge between policymakers and minority individuals in order to help the public understand how legislative and regulatory policies regarding new technologies can impact and empower their daily lives. For more information on The Alliance for Digital Equality, please visit