For Immediate Release
October 02, 2010
Contact Information

Celine Elveus
Sonshine Communications

(BPRW) Expectant Mothers Need to Know

(BLACK PR WIRE) -- There is no wrong or right time to have a baby. Having a baby is an indescribable joy for a mother, especially a new mother. The feeling of bringing another life into the world makes the morning sickness and the weight gaining worthwhile. As uncomplicated as it may seem, there are unpredictable surprises awaiting new mothers. Some of those surprises can be alarming and heartbreaking. Mothers not only worry about their health but also the health of their unborn baby. New mothers, with the help of their physicians, learn to manage small complications that might affect them and/or their baby. However, nothing can prepare a mother for preterm labor.

Preterm labor or prematurity is when the baby is born before the complete 37 weeks of gestation. At that stage, the infant is placed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). One in eight babies is born prematurely on a daily basis. These babies face a greater risk of death and medical difficulties. Many of them grow up to be healthy. Others, despite the hospital care, develop permanent disabilities like cerebral palsy, mental retardation, chronic lung disease and learning difficulties, as described by the March of Dimes at

Although the cause of prematurity is not yet determined, there are certain factors that may increase the risks of preterm labor. They include late or no prenatal care, absence of prenatal vitamins, smoking, drinking, using illicit drugs, stress, physical abuse, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Having a healthy baby brings a glow to every mother’s eyes. This should give expectant mothers a reason to notify their health care providers of any abnormalities during pregnancy to help better monitor their health and the health of their babies.