Bernadette Morris
Sonshine Communications
O: (305) 948-8063, ext. 201
(BLACK PR WIRE) "" Cameron D. Benson, City Manager for the City of Miami Gardens, has released the following statement regarding the current issues that confront the Police Department.
"The City of Miami Gardens continues to strive to implement effective policies and procedures that are productive and beneficial for the safety and welfare of our residents, businesses and patrons. The City's 10-year track record upholds this philosophy and we will continue along this path. To that end, I am announcing new leadership in our City's Police Department.
Effective today, Matthew Boyd is stepping down from his position as Chief of Police for the City of Miami Gardens. I am consulting with the Florida Police Chiefs Association to assist in the recruitment and hiring of a new police chief. During this process, Deputy Police Chief Paul Miller will serve as the Interim Chief of Police for the City of Miami Gardens.
Interim Chief Miller joined the Miami Gardens force as Major of the Investigations Division in December 2006. Interim Chief Miller is a graduate of Barry University where he holds a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration. He has completed a Master's Degree in Homeland Security from the Naval Post-Graduate School.
As previously stated, we are moving forward with an in-depth internal investigation and we are conducting this investigation in conjunction with the State Attorney's Office and with outside assistance from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).
In the upcoming weeks, I will conduct regular meetings with the Command Staff and attend all operational shift briefings. It is my goal to personally address the entire force and reinforce our commitment to effectively serving the residents of the City of Miami Gardens. I thank you for your cooperation."